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The characteristics ofclimate changes in western edge of Mu UsSandy Land During the past 44 years and Estimation of future climatetrend
投稿时间:2017-02-28  修订日期:2017-05-26
中文关键词:  气温  降水量  相对湿度  hurst指数  毛乌素沙地西缘
英文关键词:Temperature  Precipitation  Relative humidity  Hurst index  The western edge of Mu UsSandy Land
安莉娟* 内蒙古气候中心 anlijuan2006@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 830
全文下载次数: 572
      The temporal and spatial characteristics of temperature, precipitation and relative humidity in the western margin of Mu Us sandy land were analyzed by using the meteorological data from 1971 to 2014, and R / S method was used to predict the future climate change trend. The results showed that: 1) The temperature of the western margin of Mu Us sandy land increased significantly in the past 44 years and the rate of rise was 0.33°C/10a. Precipitation showed a weak upward trend and relative humidity showed a weak decreasing trend, but the two trend was not significant. In the future, the temperature of the western edge of Mu Us sandy land is likely to still rising, precipitation will become decreasing and relative humidity is not stable; 2) The spatial distribution of temperature in the west margin of Mu Us sandy land in the recent 44 years was in the south and north. Precipitation and relative humidity are in the east and west. There are obvious regional differences in climatic tendency of each climate element, the temperature increased greatly in the central region, and the precipitation increased more in the east than in the west, and the relative humidity in the south decreased faster than that in the north; 3) The temperature, precipitation and relative humidity of the western margin of Mu Us sandy land have obvious periodical oscillation in the recent 44 years. The average temperature is mainly 4-5a, 10-12 scales around the period of oscillation, precipitation exists 4-6a scale periodic oscillations and relative humidity is 4-6a scale periodic oscillations.
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