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Stage Characteristics and Circulation Evolution of the High Temperature in the Summer of 2023 in Xinjiang
投稿时间:2024-02-07  修订日期:2024-04-20
中文关键词:  高温  阶段性变化  南亚高压  伊朗副高  西太平洋副热带高压
英文关键词:High temperature  Stage change  South Asian High  Iranian Subtropical High  Western Pacific Subtropical High
曹萌 新疆气候中心 meng0828@126.com 
刘精 新疆气候中心  
陈颖* 新疆气候中心 meihuazui1206@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 366
全文下载次数: 223
      In summer of 2023 (June-August), the average temperature in Xinjiang was the highest since 1961, the number of high temperature days was the highest in the same period of history, the duration of high temperature process was the highest in the same period of history, and the high temperature covered the widest area. Based on the monitoring data of 105 national meteorological stations in Xinjiang, this paper analyzed the intraseasonal evolution of extreme characteristics such as high temperature days, maximum temperature, duration of high temperature process and coverage of high temperature process in summer of 2023. The high temperature characteristics of each month during the season generally showed a trend of development-enhancement-reduction. And using the geopotential height field reanalysis data jointly produced by NCEP/NCAR, the staged changes of upper air circulation at 100 hPa and 500 hPa levels height field in summer of 2023 were compared. The intraseasonal changes of extreme high temperature in Xinjiang were closely related to the staged changes of the intensity, area and location of the southerly high and the Iranian subtropical high. When the southerly high was east, the intensity was stronger and the location was northerly, the Iranian high moved north and east, and the overall location was northerly. The high pressure ridge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was strong, and the West Pacific subtropical high was eastward, which was conducive to the persistent extreme high temperature weather process in Xinjiang. When the southerly high was the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau type, the main position of the Iranian subtropical high was west, which was conducive to cold air entering Xinjiang from the north, causing staged cooling weather, and the extreme high temperature process in Xinjiang weakened and the duration was shortened.
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