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Study on the haze temporal and spatial variation of North China
投稿时间:2018-04-17  修订日期:2018-06-20
中文关键词:  华北  霾日 时空分布  霾等级
英文关键词:North China, hazy days, Temporal and spatial, hazy level
卓鸿 民航华北空管局气象中心 zhuohong_zh@163.com 
王冀* 北京市气候中心  
袁铭芳 民航华北空管局气象中心  
张伟 民航华北空管局气象中心  
摘要点击次数: 1439
全文下载次数: 406
      Haze, which is a new kind of disastrous weather and required special study, is a different vision obstruction phenomenon from fog. Using monthly observed haze data in winter during 1961-2011 of North China and statistical methods, the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of haze days were analyzed. The results show that the hazy days distribute unevenly, and the high value area of hazy days are mostly located in industrial cities, the highly developed cities and the coal production bases. It means that so-called “muddy island” is obvious. Also, the high value of hazy days distribute from the southwest to the northeast, It means that the effect of transporting pollutants from outside region of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province is very significant.. Haze days of winter increase in Shanxi province and decrease in other areas. From the variations of haze days in big cities we can see that Taiyuan, Shijiazhuang and Hohhot show a consistently growth trend, Jinan, Beijing and Tianjin city hazy days show a downward trend. Haze concentrates in December and January in big cities. It is found that the first level haze frequency associates with the city population, local dust related emissions, wind direction and the pollution sources, the second and the third level haze days have a close relationship with distribution and topography, but the fourth level haze days distributes evenly. The first level haze is the main haze pollution events in Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan and Huhehaote, next to the second level haze pollution, and the fourth level hazy days are the fewest pollution events.
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