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The Application and test of ECMWF Refined Net Numerical 2m temperature Forecast Data in temperature forecasting in Urumqi
投稿时间:2015-03-07  修订日期:2015-05-19
中文关键词:  ECMWF细网格  温度检验  2m温度  乌鲁木齐
英文关键词:ECMWF Refined Net  temperature test  2m temperature
张超* 新疆气象台 新疆 乌鲁木齐 64418696@qq.com 
贾健 乌鲁木齐市气象局 新疆 乌鲁木齐  
摘要点击次数: 830
全文下载次数: 1151
      Using ECMWF Refined Net Numerical 2m temperature Forecast Data from July 2011 to June 2014, Grid mapping site and bilinear interpolation method are used to select the excellent reference point, finally apply the synoptic testing method to test its temperature forecasting ability in different seasons and different weather in Urumqi. The result shows that it is helpful to making temperature forecast nest 24 hours, annual maximum and minimum temperature prediction accuracy is 74~75%, and it has obvious seasonal variation, the forecast accuracy in summer half year is 10~25% higher than in winter half year; forecast accuracy of temperature is better in rainy days and snowy days, worse in foggy days , And the actual minimum temperature significantly below the temperature of forecast , the forecast accuracy of maximum temperature is better than the forecast accuracy of minimum temperature when Southeast wind happens ; The accuracy and stability of ECMWF Refined Net Numerical 2m temperature Forecast Data are better than guidance forecast data of national meteorogical center of CMA, and has obvious advantages in spring, positive skill of maximum and minimum temperature can reach 0.4 ℃.
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